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August 27, 2012


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Jessica of My Baking Heart

This brought tears to my eyes, Teanna. Your dad sounds so amazing and although it hurts that he's no longer here, I know he's looking down on you and smiling. Your story makes me wish I'd known him! :) Many hugs to you, sweet girl!


Oh, Teanna. I'm so sorry for your great loss. Hugs and lots of love to you. This post is a wonderful tribute.


Brought tears to my eyes... I love you and I love him! and i know he is so happy that you are blogging again!


Thank you so much Jessica! He was a wonderful man :) Raff - he loved you too!!


Thank you, Nicole!

Rachel Cotterill

I'm so sorry for your loss - this is a beautiful tribute which makes me sorry I never crossed his path.

Laura DeSimone

Oh Teanna, I miss him too so much every day. Joe and I were two people who considered him our best friend. He was always there for us and especially to get Joe out of trouble. I will never forget my Goombah Johnny!

shelly (cookies and cups)

I am so so sorry to hear about your dad's passing. I loved your tribute.


This is spot on. Charismatic loving sweet man. He really did make our family- newly addition - feel right at home. It was easy to be around him. Very laid back. I know my brother and sis-in law felt a whole in their hearts just as deep. Oh an my nephew... you know he loves his Uncle bob. We all have an intercessor in heaven now. You did him well in this blog, I am sure he is proud.
And at the wedding you will know He is there. I truly believe.
Love you!!


Oh mama - I am so sorry for your loss. I'm sure wherever he is he is smiling down at you and protecting you.


Oh Teanna, I don't know what it was that first brought me to your site, but I've been inhaling your words ever since Jan 29, 2010. I talked to my husband often, referring to you as The SporkFoon gal. He's a believer in your dishes ever since our now 4 year old (and 16 month old) frequently request "mommy's scrambled eggs" because I put cream cheese in them as a result of your post.

Your absence was noted, since I frequently included your recipes in my weekly meal plans. I'm so very, very sorry for your loss and touched by your words. Your father sounds as if he was larger than life! I don't drink Dewars, but next time I find myself where there is some, I will request a shot and say "Nasdroyva" in his honor, and yours.

A very big hug to you!

Jen Mullins

Hey T, this was such a beautiful piece. It made me cry and sad and happy and it made me laugh all at the same time. He was such a great man and I feel lucky I was able to know him too. He always made me feel part of the family whenever I was over. I am really looking forward to the wedding and just know he will be walking beside you the whole time. You and I are lucky we have two awesome angels looking over us at all times now. Love you!


Teanna, this post literally made me cry. You did a marvelous job of describing your father, who sounds like a truly amazing man. Thank you for sharing his life through your words. My thoughts and prayers are with you, and I know you'll have a chance to see your dad again. Take care.


He sounds like he was one-of-a-kind. Knowing his daughter, I could already guess that he was an extraordinary guy, but I really loved reading this beautiful tribute. Thank you for sharing.


What a lovely tribute to your amazing dad! I am so sorry that you all had to lose such a wonderful person. You must miss him so much...


I'm so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you. It must have been hard to write this post but I hope it has brought you more peace.


Hi Sweetpea,

What a wonderful tribute to your Dad. I can't stop crying as I read this. I miss him soooooo much...! I'm so grateful that you were able to share with your readers what a wonderful man your Dad was and how he touched the lives of all who knew and loved him. I pray each day that his soul is at peace and he is laying in green pastures with our Heavenly Father. I look forward to the joy of that day when we can once again be reunited in Haven, (Yes! There is such a place) when the Lord calls us home.


What a great tribute to your dad. Sorry for your loss--for now. You'll see him again.

Graduate Dissertation

whether he was your uncle or not, because if he wasn't, he may as well have been,

Erica Rios

what a handsome man he was...this brought tears to my eyes.. I am sure he more than proud= )

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