« 12 Days of Christmas Cookies, Day 4- Gooey Chocolate Peppermint Bark Cookies | Main | 12 Days of Christmas Cookies - Day 6: Melt in Your Mouth Chai Spiced Snowballs (Italian Wedding Cookies) »

December 09, 2011


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I really like this website , and hope you will write more ,thanks a lot for your information,thank u very much.


I've been begging my husband to take me to NYC around Christmas, and I think we may finally get there this year. I've been there every time of year but the holidays, and I so want to see the lights and decorations :)

I love these cookies - they're so perfect for the holidays! I definitely associate black and white cookies with New York too.

Rachel Cotterill

Now I really want to see New York in all its Christmas glory! But I'll have to settle for your great pictures & descriptions that make me feel like I could be there :)


You have made me long to be in New York - it looks so wonderful. These cookies are pretty good too - they look perfectly Christmassy.

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Stronly suggest admin adding a google+ button for easy share!


These cookies looks fabulous! Thanks for sharing!


great idea! love the new twist on an old classic!

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