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March 02, 2010


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Oh! Woah... what a beautiful, mouthwatering tart! ...and with the decadence of dulce de leche on top of it! I nasty, nasty temptation... never mind Girl Scout cookies, bleh.


samoas are the best! Love your take on the tart.


I really wish I would of thought of that! I may have to go back and remake this recipe because a girl scout cookie in tart form sounds amazing...

Mary Ann

Wow- I absolutely love what you did with this tart. I bet it was heaven! It is gorgeous and I can only imagine how delicious it was!


Teanna You should be seriously hurt for putting this type of food porn on the net. Oh my f'n gosh (pardon my french)! Samoas are second in line after Thin Mints and this definitely has Samoa written all over it. Great job.


You are amazing!!! Nice job on the tart!
I love Somoas! I just ate one a few minutes ago! YUM!

5 Star Foodie

What a scrumptious tart inspired by samoa cookie (which is one of my favorites). Excellent!

jenn (Bread + Butter)

Oh, it's that time of year. Girl Scouts are out in full force!!!! Samoas are by far my fav, followed by the do si dos and tagalongs.

Fantastic tart!!!!!!


Your Samoa tart looks AMAZING. My coconut creme pie lovin hubby would adore this :)

steph (whisk/spoon)

samoas were far and away the best GS cookie! that is a wicked looking tart!


Samoas- you had to go there. They are like crack to me. I can eat an entire sleeve in a nanosecond. Awesome job! Thanks for baking with me!


Wow, that looks amazing and I don't even like coconut. Now if you turned it into a thin mint tart, I would be all over that!


Hot damn, Lady!! How did you know Samoas were my favorite??


Oh, holy moly, that looks like a seriously good tart. I love that you turned what was already coconut deliciousness into something waaaay better with chocolate and caramel. I so wish I could have a piece of that tart. It looks 100 times better than a Samoa.

Speaking of which, I was a girl scout, and, I promise, selling cookies is over rated. I hated the brown uniforms; I don't think we had to wear them that often, thank goodness!


I could never see you as...fat! Your tart looks amazingly yummy! I'd be all over it in a heartbeat!


Oh my gosh, if you keep posting FABULOUS recipes like that I will be fat!!! My gosh, I'm gonna try it this week...in moderation, hopefully!

Bianca @south bay rants n raves

a really large girl scout cookie! I can dig that!

Becky O.

my oh my! i wish i would have seen your post before i made mine cause this is brilliant!

i love samoas!

look delicious!


OH!! MY!! WORD!! That looks fantabulous. Next time I make this - THIS is how mine will be. Way to go, Teanna.


Brilliant idea Teanna!! Your tart looks amazing. I love samoas too and I haven't been able to get my hands on any girl scout cookies this year. Bummer!

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