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January 12, 2010


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Hornedfroggy of My Baking Heart

Very nice, T - I have to admit that I was one worried about a grease fire. :) I baked mine and they were fabulous! Great pick!!

Nancy (n.o.e.)

The best part of reading the host's post is the reasons for choosing the recipe. Great choice, Teanna, even if I don't really feel the way you do about FRIED DOUGH. You gave me my first (and maybe last) experience with deep frying. Your scherben look pretty adorable.


Those look terrific. I often pass this recipe in reading the book, but now maybe I will try it. I am still getting over my last frying experience though, so thanks for the encouragement and the baking suggestion.


They reminded me of egg roll wrappers before I put the sugar on! After the sugar, well, I just started eating and stopped thinking:) Thanks for choosing this recipe--it was very easy to make and tasty. Easy to say now, even though I was one of the tentative fryers.


Wow, these look just like they should! Perfect! I obviously can't decipher written recipes on "shapes", but what the heck! I'm a "baker" and bypassed the fryer this time. Just as good - and THANKS for choosing this recipe! It was a refreshingly good choice!


Fabulous job! Really, FRIED DOUGH is all I needed to hear before becoming a fan ;) Yours look beautiful too - powdered sugar makes a dessert look so appealing!


Bellissime !! For us it was a great choice ! Lots of fun ! Grazie !

Clivia Gardens

As always, a very entertaining post! Thanks for being brave and choosing to fry.


I'd never deep fried anything before, but I was really excited when I saw that you chose these. They were a great TWD choice and a big hit with my boyfriend. Your pictures are gorgeous!

Romaine of Salad in a Jar

What a funny post! Pictures of the refrigerator cracked me up. Very nice job throughout. Glad to make something a little different.

steph (whisk/spoon)

hey---thanks for a fun recipe! i'm not afraid of a little deep frying every now and again. they reminded me of fried wonton crunchies, too!


Okay, I wasn't able to do this one, even though I really wanted to. I am afraid of grease fires, but I'm willing to take the chance! Sometime next week i will make these and report back! I'm glad you picked this one! You are always such a great baker and it's so fun reading your blog!! Great Job!!!


Hey now, I don't think people realize it's okay to have at least ONE cheat day of the week lol that is a fun recipe, I have to try that one sometime

Ms K Majeed

i will find the Scherben movie and i will watch it!!!


Loved your pic! Yum!


This looks awesome!

I have another question....How do I get involved in Peter Reinharts baking challenge?

I just recieved both of his books and they rock!


I'm SO glad you picked these! Really. I hadn't baked anything with TWD in weeks, and yesterday - yes, just yesterday - I thought I'd check to see what the next few recipes were, and I saw the P&Q post...and when I realized these were FRIED DOUGH, I was BACK. I am, maybe, one of the odd people out here in that I actually enjoy deep frying. It's fun! Exciting! And...well...like you mentioned above...FRIED DOUGH! So thank you, Teanna, for bringing me back to TWD sooner than expected!! Oh - and nice job with your post and your photos, too! Now I need to post mine.


I love your reasons for choosing this one, ha! Looks great and how cool that you have a fried and baked version.


Aah, it's OK, everyone survived, I'm sure. I can relate. I picked the ill-fated cottage cheese pufflets for the same reasons, and it was a mini disaster. But hey, someone's gotta pick those tough recipes.

I've got my dough in the fridge for it's first rest. I'm looking forward to them. I'm sure they'll taste awesome... I need to time their completion for when the kids come home so I don't accidently eat 12, LOL. Yours look delish!


man I screwed these up somehow. Yours look amazing, makes me want to try again

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