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January 29, 2010


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I need to try the blender trick. I always make scrambled eggs and while they do come out good, they just aren't as fluffy and soft. I look forward to trying out the blender method


Never thought of adding cream cheese! YUM!


They DO look perfect, I will have to try this!


A blender? No kidding. You have to be the smartest woman alive, no lie.


Yummo. Who woulda thunk...the blender? I wonder if you can mix the milk in with the eggs in the blender.
I've never tried the cream cheese route, that sounds divine!

Sara Tea

I regret reading this. I'm in class and STARVING. These look too good. Note to self, must stop reading food blogs during lunch time classes.


Great advice there! Its one of those things that we all make yet crave for perfection.Thank you!


Great tip! I love scrambled eggs too, but have never considered adding cream cheese. Your eggs look perfect!


oh I do this too! those look so good. I sometimes use mayo when I don't have cream cheese.


a blender! cream cheese! these are new ideas in my world of scrambled-egg-making! your ova do indeed look light and fluffy and completely scrumptious. :)

Rachel Cotterill

That looks like a perfect breakfast - thanks for sharing the instructions :)

Found your blog through Friday Follow and have added you to my reader.


I've used the blender idea but never cream cheese. Thank you for the idea! I love chives also!


The blender idea is great, but I'm really excited to try the cream cheese idea! Yum. I am totally an egg fan too.


i love eggs too! i always crave them when i'm sick. my stupid husband has never tried them and refuses to be in the same room when i'm making them. :(


Another egg lover here. Ever since moving from Long Island to PA, I've missed my egg sandwich from "my" deli every morning. It's been a ritual for more years than I care to remember. It's high time I relearn how to make my own; cream cheese and all!!! Thanks for the blender trick too!!!


Yum! I love scrambled eggs and I always wondered how they got them so creamy in restaurants. Now I know! Thanks for the tutorial. I am definitely going to try this.

Bianca @south bay rants n raves

Never heard of the blender trick! Cool!


This is truly a PERFECT way to get great results with scrambled eggs. Someone at Waffle House told me about this years ago-and oddly, my husband and I were just discussing it about a week ago!

Those scrambled eggs look delicious!


THIS is how I'm gonna do my eggs from now on. Fantastic tips. Teanna Thanks


I made a very similar recipe around the holidays (used milk instead of cream cheese at the end) and the eggs were creamy and perfect!! I didn't try the blender trick though so I'll have to add that time. Thanks for sharing - they look awesome!

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