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November 03, 2009


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Natasha - 5 Star Foodie

Very neat skull cake! Good luck with moving!


Best of luck moving!!

Love the cake :)


I like your happy skull! Good luck with the move - sounds like a great apartment! Post some photos of the kitchen!


Your apartment sounds amazing! Can I move in too please?

Wishing you no broken dishes or lost boxes.


Your cake is fabulous. Good luck with the move.


i do enjoy a jovial skeleton, but they're so rarely seen. i think usually grumpy because they have no ability to eat. :)


Nice cake and good luck with your move!

jenn (Bread + Butter)

I can just imagine how your apartment may look like just from the way you describe them. Good luck with the move. I'm sure it will go well.

Awesome cake, too. I love the expression on it.


Ah, moving day in Manhattan. I remember it well. Even though we literally moved around the corner, it was chaos. We were on 53rd and 1st. Ground floor was D'Agostino's. Starbucks next door.

I miss those days.

The Duo Dishes

Good luck with the move! Moving's no fun, but settling in is something to look forward to.


Ciao ! i wish you a nice moving (?) Buon traloco ! And great happy skull !

steph (whisk/spoon)

awesome cake! good luck with the move, and that's wonderful that you've found such a great place. we've been in our "temp" apt in FiDi for a year now (ha!), and i can't wait to get out of here!


And that's no exaggeration. When I moved, the buildings didn't want to be contacted until 10 days within the move date. Hope it's a painless move, and I second the request to see photos of the kitchen.

By the way, these are some great looking Halloween treats and the skull cake is a fun idea. Maybe I'll nab it for next year!


UWS, a fireplace, and an island in the kitchen - fabulous! The fireplace will be so nice to have at the holidays. Best wishes! Oh and I wouldn't have been able to cut into that cute cake either.


Good luck with the move - the new apartment sounds so amazing!! Great job on the cake, it's super cute :)


The apartment sounds gorgeous! Glad you've found somewhere you're excited about.

Fourth floor? No elevator? I hope not! Hope you get through the day okay.


Good Luck with the movie, girlie. I know it is a lot of work, but how exciting to being moving to such a great place! Wow!


Oh man, good luck! I hate moving, but your apt sounds amazing! Adorable cake :)


Good luck with the move! I'm glad you found such a great apartment!

The cake is awesome!


My husband and I once moved three times in a manner of a few months...it can be SO stressful...but we had more of a window than you did! That skull cake looks awesome! And I hope you are settled in very soon. Best of luck to you and Jack in your new dream apartment. Have fun settling in and stress yourself out.:)

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