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October 27, 2009


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These are my kind of muffins!

Tangled Noodle

You caught me! I just printed out 2 recipes this morning from one site with visions of making them in the next day or two. Right!! But I'm confident I'll get around to them . . . ! 8-P

I can almost smell the aroma of these freshly-baked muffins - heavenly!


OK, if I wasn't at work I would be jumping up to make these muffins right now! You had me at chai apple, but with the cinnamon and whole wheat too? Plus, gala apples are one of my favorites! I had no idea they sold chai spice at the store, but I'm buying some ASAP. And then I'm going to make these muffins!


mmm apple and chai flavors sound delicious!


i share your feelings about cinnamon, and i must say, robust is a fine descriptor for the best spice of all time. great muffins!

steph (whisk/spoon)

omg--they sound so good! i love a little whole wheat in morning baked goods...makes me feel more healthy! :)

Phyllis (me HUNGRY!)

Muffins look awesome Teanna! I can't wait to pick up a bottle of the chai spice - how convenient! b/t/w, I am also guilty of bookmarking a million recipes online and never making them, except for yours! I've actually made at least 3 of your recipes :)


Mmmm, muffins. They sound good!
You're a true baker--12:30! I'd just worry about waking up the kids. ;)


I'm with you there - very few bookmarked recipes actually get made. But the ones that do are the special ones, right? And those muffins look pretty darned special.


I'm guilty of the bookmark and save it for later. I've got a tons of them stacked up and taking up disk space in my computer. lol. It's an addiction. lol.

Awesome muffins. Perfect with my morning tea.


I loved these on Tracy's blog and I love them on your blog. I agree there are a ton of recipes I rip out, bookmark, print and never get to and then there are ones I just make. Not at 12:30 in the morning though. :P

Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction

Yum... These sound fantastic, and I love that they are whole wheat. That takes away all guilt! Beautiful!


Those are beautiful! I've got to try that. vat a sweet treat!1


Yum...I need to get that chai spice...great idea...


Thanks for the mention Teanna - I'm so, so, so glad these were a hit for you :) I would have felt really bad if you'd starting making them at 12:30 in the morning only to wind up hating them! They look wonderful and I love your adaptations.

Carol Peterman

Don't feel bad about tardy TWD posts; I just got mine up (Wed night!)I know what you mean about seeing a recipe, knowing you have the ingredients, and needing to make it right then, but 12:30 in the morning? You’re nuts!

Elizabeth - Cake or Death?

Mmmm, sounds like a perfect fall recipe. I love chai anything, so I'm definitely making these soon.


These sounds fabulous, now I will have to look for chai spice. Yum!


it's really a wonder why I haven't worked with chai yet.


Mmm these sound delicious. I'll have to keep an eye out for that chai spice!

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