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October 05, 2009


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ARG - I'm kicking myself in the head right now because I got invited to this but couldn't take off work. Glad someone I (virtually) know was able to go and have such a good time.


What a fun class and delicious-looking cake! That caramel drizzle over the berries looks amazing.

Nancy (n.o.e.)

What a fun post! I had to laugh at your note to self. Reading about this cake via your tweets, I was really hoping you'd blog about it - look how beautiful your (Peter's?) cake is - like a clone of the book picture. This is the kind of cake we'd love around here.


Wow..that class sounds amazing. The caramel drizzle looks great....I think I need new cake pans now.


Wow, sounds like an amazing experience!!!!!! What a delicious looking cake!


I remember seeing this over at Christo's blog. You guys are so lucky! That cake looks do delectable. I'd love to have a piece of that for my lunch.


Caramel on blackberries - oh my - what else is left in this world for me to try out. You Lucky FISH!


Okay, I love blackberries and caramel so why not together, right?!! Totally not going to lie to you...I really want a slice of that cake! YUM!

One question...does the cookbook have lots of yummy photos or are there scarcely any?


HOW FUN! Thanks for sharing with us! And what a dessert!

Natasha - 5 Star Foodie

What a fun event and the dessert looks totally decadent, I'm drooling over those luscious blackberries!


Teanna, this is such a cool post. Thanks for sharing. Opportunities there are amazing. Beautiful photos as well. What a nice friend, huh? Yea, I'm putting that recipe in my google documents for sure. That's where I hide all my net treasures. he he Great job.


i am SOO jealous! not only did you meet an extremely talented woman, but you got to bake with her AND eat something involving a seemingly endless supply of tasty things. punk. :)

Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction

Wow - sounds like an amazing event! The cake looks fantastic, too. Now I'm hungry!


Oh! You had so much fun! Love the pictures and sure I am drooling on my keyboard...the cake sure look so yummie :-)


Oh my! Those gorgeous plump berries with the caramel drizzle - gorgeous!! Looks like you had a great time.


Do you REALIZE how many cook/baking books I have on my WANT/NEED list? Now you've added another!
Fun to see pics of you in action.
I just had some berries with caramel drizzle while I was in SF and LOVED it. Why didn't I ever think of that before?


What a wonderful event! The cake looks so delicious!


Completely jealous! That class sounded amazing!
Cake looks delish!


How fun!! Interesting about the two different baking pans.


looks like u guys had so much fun and yummy times! thx for the book reccommendation too.

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