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May 13, 2009


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Jen Schall @ My Kitchen Addiction

Looks delicious! Now I'm wishing I had made this for breakfast instead of oatmeal. :)


That is my kind of breakfast....one size fits all. Your eggs look beautifully prepared. Okay, maybe eggs aren't pretty, but they do look pretty. Yea Mom's Day!
Great job


Hmmm. This looks so good I may have it for dinner tonight!


Here I go reading your blog close to lunchtime again. When will I ever learn? This looks SO delicious, and it will be showing up on "breakfast for dinner" night at our house soon!


Mmm looks delicious. I don't make fancy breakfasts like this often enough. I usually just eat cereal.


Sounds perfect! I love eggs, all kinds.


YUM!! Those look so good!


I love the idea. Have everything in one. Can't get any better than that.

Natasha - 5 Star Foodie

Great idea to make this delicious breakfast pizza! Excellent!

Cookin' Canuck

This is my kind of breakfast - salty breakfast meat, eggs, and good bread. Maybe my husband will get this for his Father's Day breakfast.


The Duo Dishes

Great weekend brunch! Actually it'd be an awesome breakfast for dinner meal. We'd probably pull out a little bread fluff to make more room for the good stuff!


I've never had a breakfast pizza, but I love the idea of it. The eggs on top look great!


Those both looks so yummy. I am on the icky egg yolk team for sure!


This looks like a fantastic brunch idea! The egg looks delicious.


Now lets set this straight. There is nothing icky about the yolk. The white is the problem, sitting there all smug and slimey and tasteless.

That being said, I really could have done with that this morning to deal with the red wine head. Top idea!


looks delish nice post

Tangled Noodle

I can not let my husband see this - EVER! He would ask for it every weekend. It's not that I would mind making it - it's that we'll end up squabbling over who gets the bigger portion. To keep the peace, I'll have to make a second one for myself . . .

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Mmm looks delicious. I don't make fancy breakfasts like this often enough.

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