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November 18, 2008


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Nice photo!!I have never thought of rice pudding as vomit, but now that you mention...I don't care to eat it again:)


Haha, I agree, it's gross. But it seems that most people who don't like it just think the texture is disgusting, right? I don't mind milky vanilla flavor, but soggy rice...gross!


You totally crack me up. This stuff was good! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your photo with the tall glass. I guess it just isn't everyone's "thing" - the pudding I mean.


Wonderful photo! It will stick to your bones! My mom used to say that to us! LOL Sorry you couldn't eat it send it my way!


Teanna, how do you really feel about rice pudding? Coincidentally enough, I am eating my morning oatmeal while reading your post. Good times! I've got to say, it's not my favorite consistency in the world either, but I ate it anyway -- because I eat EVERYTHING! Kudos for making it despite the intensity of your hatred for it. That's commitment!


I totally cracked up reading your post. HOW FUNNY! I dislike tapioca for the same reasons you mentioned...ew.

I wasn't wild about the texture of the rice pudding, in fact, I didn't like the vanilla one I made at ALL. The chocolate one was REALLY good, and the texture seemed different. Had this have been regular rice, I am sure i would NOT have enjoyed it at ALL.

I have to agree, I don't enjoy vomit-esque foods either, but I sure do love GRITS!

Your presentation was lovely!


I totally cracked up reading your post. HOW FUNNY! I dislike tapioca for the same reasons you mentioned...ew.

I wasn't wild about the texture of the rice pudding, in fact, I didn't like the vanilla one I made at ALL. The chocolate one was REALLY good, and the texture seemed different. Had this have been regular rice, I am sure i would NOT have enjoyed it at ALL.

I have to agree, I don't enjoy vomit-esque foods either, but I sure do love GRITS!

Your presentation was lovely!


I am so with you on the texture issue.

Your 'parfaits' look beautiful.

stephanie clark

I love your flavor combination! I remember the first time I had rice pudding, I got a little grossed out, but over the years, I've come to love it :) And I love the fancy champagne flute!


I can totally related to those childhood memories when I was forced to eat everything off my plate. I agree, it would definitely be oatmeal that was always left.. and it gets worse cold too.. eww. I'm glad this recipe was chosen though because I'm definitely over my rice pudding fears!


I take it, then, that you are not a tapioca fan?

Your photo is gorgeous, btw.


Girl I am glad I am not the only one that is grossed out by the texture of this stuff!

Sugar B

GAG! Barf-a-rama! I never made rice pudding before but the texture does remind me of chunky vomit . . to be more specific, reminded me of last Friday night! Whoo hoo!


You crack me up every time...LOL!


I'm with you sister!


Well, it may be vomit but as long as it's elegantly presented in a champagne flute that's all that matters!


Funny post! At least we know how you feel. We all can't like everything we prepare, but you did a great job doing it anyway.


LOLOL. Isabelle's pictures are making my mouth water though! nothing like vomit. I'd love to let you try some of my black glutinous rice vomit!

LOL. But gorgeous pix!!!

April B

This post is most awesome thing I have read today. Gold star for making it even though you detest it.


Such pretty looking vomit though :) Sticking to your ribs is another saying that is just as nonsensical. Too funny.

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