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August 13, 2008


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You are right, it is usually made with beef stock and has more oomph. Congrats on your first french onion soup. I am sure you will make many more - with your own spin.


I love to make mine in the winter months. I often use vegetable stock and it tastes wonderful! By the way, I think the cheese is the best part :)


I love to make mine in the winter months. I often use vegetable stock and it tastes wonderful! By the way, I think the cheese is the best part :)


I love to make mine in the winter months. I often use vegetable stock and it tastes wonderful! By the way, I think the cheese is the best part :)

Glennis - Can't Believe We Ate

Someone suggested last time that perhaps the parsley was bitter... So, when I made my bouquet garni, I tasted the parsley first. Yep. One of the pieces was bitter. We've had some incredibly hot weather here off and on, and that will change the flavor of some herbs. It's worth a thought. I suppose even that which we buy could be affected by heat or elements.
Regardless...your soup is lovely! I can almost taste it! On to split pea soup French Style!


Wow, I'm amazed that you've missed out on French Onion Soup until now, but glad you tried it and liked it. I've made it with beef and veal stock before, but my favorite was this one. I guess I prefer a more subtle taste. Yours looks delicious and cheesy!


I love reading your blog posts -- they are so funny. Your soup looks like it turned out beautifully and tasted good, too, in spite of the bitterness.

I read Glennis's comment about the bitter parsley, which I thought was very interesting. Maybe the parsley IS what's causing your problems.

I cheated with my bouquet garni on this recipe, using dried herbs (and fresh celery and leek cut small) tied up in a cute little cheesecloth bundle. Maybe you could try that and get away from the fresh parsley?


I like your one and a half meal theory about men and liking their girlfriends!

I bgean writign you back about the wine, but I am so long winded that I will post on my page about it. So do check me out in about an hour. Best!

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