This is a dish that was born from the fact that I REALLY DIDNT WANT TO COOK DINNER the other night. Jack had been out of town for a few days, I was sick (and I never get sick), and it snowed for the first time since Halloween (that sounds so weird).
When Jack got home, I was so thrilled to see him. I hate it when he is away, because I love him (I know, don't groan, it's gross), but I hated it even more because we had to put Remy in boarding at doggy daycare in NJ while he was gone. So it was a total family reunion. We were happy, laughing and petting Remy and Jack looked at me and goes "So what are you making for dinner?"
"I think you should cook for me tonight," I said.
What was flowers and roses and unicorns and ponies, turned into a full on 5-year-old temper tantrum, complete with foot stomping and arms flailing (we are 30 years old, mind you). "What do you MEAN I should cook?" Jack asked incredulously, his voice getting higher and higher pitched with each syllable.
"I mean that you never cook for me and I think you should cook for me - I'm sick!"
"No, no, no, no, no!" Jack whined (I am not kidding). "Can't we cook together?"
"Jack, seriously, why do I always have to cook?"
"Because you're the cook!"
"OK, but you can cook, too!"
"But I don't like cooking!" (at this point, his voice was at a high-F).
"If you don't cook, then I guess we're not eating."